MSA Zoe BDR TMBS Passion

Mission San Antonio

Hand-pulled from a large woodblock, the traditional single block print highlights this preserved gem located just outside Fort Hunter Leggitt


My cats are always popular - these are colorful and creative!

Baja Desert River

Inspired by a long, hot drive to Baja a couple years ago. This hand-pulled hand-colored woodblock print shows there is live in the desert.

Tembladero Slough

Featured in the 2011 exhibit on the Slough at the National Steinbeck Museum - this gives you a glimpse of this overlooked watercourse in the Monterey Bay Area.


Passion pushes the color limits of printmaking in ink and paper.

2019 finds us in Virginia! Back in the US - Colonial and Civil War History - nature even in our new backyard!

New Happenings

My new home and studio is set in a 3.1 acre park-like setting in Northern Virginia. Fox, deer, cardinals and many other animals are daily visitors. I am just a 5 minute walk from the Occoquan river and the quaint villiage of Occoquan.


The heart of every relief print is the block. Click on the photo to the right to see a high res image of the San Antonio Bell block in the process of carving. The 3 Hr description shows the portion of the block that it took me 3 hours to carve. All my prints are personally hand pulled in very limited editions.

About the Artist

Katherine Stutz-Taylor is a Printmaker and Multimedia Artist with two strong directions in her art, realism and symbolism. Her current etchings are edition varieis that include hand coloring and chine collle. Her wood cut and linoleum relief prints are images she has drawn and photographed. Printmaking has been a vibrant thread in her life since she began over 30 years ago. My work has been exhibited at the National Steinbeck Center in Salinas CA, the Triton Museum in Santa Clara CA, the San Jose Institute for Contemporary Art in San Jose CA, and the Sturm Gallery in Reno NV. In addition my work has been juried in to many regional shows in the West including Santa Cruz Open Studios(for over 14 years), The Contemporary Crafts Market in San Francisco, the Los Altos Rotary Art Show and the KPFA Crafts and Music Fair.

Salinas Valley Art Gallery

A selection of my work is always available for viewing and purchase at the Salinas Valley Art Gallery.

Professional Affiliations

Katherine holds a Masters of Fine Arts degree from San Jose State University and a BA in Fine Arts from the University of California, Santa Barbara She belongs to The Boston Printmaakers and the Aromas Hills Artisans and is affiliated with the Valley Art Gallery in Salinas

Mission San Antonio Gift Shop

All my mission prints are available at Mission San Antonio and a portion of the sale support the mission. Please visit them soon!

Tell Frankie - Kathy sent you!

Look for new events and galleries here in No Va real soon!

Get in Touch with Us

PO Box 710, Occoquan VA 22125



Copyright © 2019 - Haze & Katherine Stutz-Taylor | All Rights Reserved

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